Wednesday 26 June 2013

Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation On Emotional Health

Since the initiation of latest technology, human’s life are radically changes. It the clear picture in front of all world that people has no longer healthy life now and they were healthier before the advent of new technology. The latest health survey put the results clearly and confirmed that the humans are becoming weaker day by day.
Human’s body immunity is significantly gone down with the passage of time and people’s life expectancy is decreasing one generation to next generation as well.
Electromagnetic radiation is the main reason of why human health is suffering in various diseases. It is the fact new technology has become convention of everyone; even nobody can survive in world or live without the interference of technology in their life. In other words, new technology has made man’s life easy.
No doubt, now humans are moving towards those developments about what they could not think back 100 years. The new development due to latest technology is taking place in industries day by day, but you ever think about it what these developments will make effect either mental or physical on our life. No, definitely we will not think for a while because, we are spending easy and luxury life nowadays. Did you ever feel you have more stress on your mind about work? Sometimes you feel really uncomfortable with your working environment why?  This is all because of electromagnetic radiation. Every single equipment and electrical appliances in your office or homes produces electromagnetic fields from ovens, T.V, cell phones, high voltage wires, computers, microwave etc, however these waves comprehensively damaging your body hormones as well as body cells and these changes cause familiar and uncommon diseases in humans. 
These days, physical attributes and emotional health is one of the major health issues. Our emotional health may be because of our food quality which we are in taking nowadays. Everybody knows natural water is essential for every life, but it is also becoming polluted with the passage of time, and humans are unable to drink fresh and clear water. Bacteria include in polluted water damages the body white and red cells and it causes a long-term disease.
If we want to get rid of unhealthy life, we have to focus on natural things and resources otherwise life expectancy will be remain the same till the next generation.   

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